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Saskia Wesnigk-Wood

Writer and Director

A Bit About Me

Saskia grew up in Germany and the USA and has been obsessed with theatre from a very young age. She loves acting and writing and ended up working as an assistant in the big theatres in Hamburg, for TV and film, and at opera houses all over Germany. Being bilingual, she translated plays (The Woman in Black) and operas (by Philip Glass, G.F. Handel) and eventually wrote her own - plays, not operas. Fast forward a few years and Saskia now lives in Brighton where she works with costumes (, as a drama teacher (Bournemouth Uni film studies), and always as a prolific writer and director, be it for the Brighton Early Music Festival, a rock opera: The Manifestation of Trim Tab Jim, Handel's Alcina with Opera Alumnus, or with SwanWing Productions. Saskia loves working with actors, singers, dancers, choirs and children and has a background in community theatre, creating numerous Pantos as well as a concert play about Saint Thomas Becket and a celebration of the medieval Feast of Fools. Careful if you tell her your story, it might well end up in a play.

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